Entertainment, Trademark and Advertising Law
Find Out MoreHenderson & Co. is a boutique entertainment, media and trademark law firm located in Toronto. We have been providing expert advice to artists, entrepreneurs and small to medium-sized businesses in the creative industries since 2000. We consider ourselves privileged to be able to assist clients at all stages of their careers, and to celebrate their successes.
Please click on an icon below for details.
128 Vine Ave
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M6P 1V7
M-F: 10am - 5pm
Kate Henderson: kate@hendersonandco.ca
Devin Fulop: devin@hendersonandco.ca
Info/Inquiries: info@hendersonandco.ca
Legal notice: The materials provided on this site are for information purposes only. The lawyers of Henderson & Co. provide advice only to those individuals or businesses that sign a retainer letter with the firm. On the site, we are providing very general information relating to areas of law familiar to us. Nothing on this site constitutes legal advice or other professional advice, and by using the site you agree that you are not relying and shall not rely on the contents of this site as such advice. Client names and logos are used with express consent in each instance.